Hmmm.. lets see, I had to pick up my cellphone to check the spelling of begining, for the title... thats how dependant and insecure technology and public appraisal can make u I guess... on a more perosnal note I think a blog should start with what you believe in, me I believe in myself, and my country (except when it comes to cricket and hmmm.. politics) there we're hopelessly unpredictable.. but anyway back to belief.. which by the way doesnt need justification.. the best kinda faith is blind faith.. backed by absoluteley no logic or fact.. jus a smile and a shrug.. jus the way it is buddy.. okok... I also believe in contradictions, as I was tellin a friend the other day.. its some of the best things in life.. contradictions.. agony and ecstancy.. the esscene of love, friendship, achievement, life itself.. pre bundled with death.. mortality, the best contradiction of all.. belief.. I also believe strongly in conviction and consequences... yeah C words are it.. ok jus changed the title to the present one... so coming back to conviction and its consequences... thats me.. have the courage to face the consequences of your convictions.. and if u can manage that.. u'll never have to lower your head to anybody or any situation.. bring it on...! Guess I also believe in Pride... hmmm yeah guess I do.. Vanity would just HAVE to be my favourite sin..
more ramblings later I guess...