Friday, August 25, 2006

TAG - Grumble!

I am thinking about... why I agreed to this, okok Im at work and this is the LEAST tedious thing I have on my anvil
I said... a is a. then someone told me to behave. i havent figured it out either.
I am... bored.... now.. in life.. generally...
I want to... sit on a fucking beach and have a fucking caprioshka and not worry about deadlines.
I wish... i could sit ona fucking beach and have a fucking caprioshka and not worry about deadlines.
I love... completely.
I cry... more than I should... but rarely.. but more than I should when I do...
I hear... a fucking caprioshka saying.. come come come... no I dont. I jus didnt get this one...
I wonder... if anyone give s a shit about anything "I...."
I regret... No regrets... anahat has no regrets. Yeah right!!
I confuse... Love and Need... sometimes..
I dance... like a jackass on e.. but I love it...
I sing... terribly and all the time...
I am not always... arrogant and vain and proud and grumblle!!
I write... badly... very...
I need... a lot of help!

I Tag Nobody. I dont wanna put anyone through this. But if Maya or Aparna or Ashima volunteer. Would love to hear it.


Maya said...

I already have been tagged... but even if I hadn't been, I for sure wouldn't have volunteered! :)

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful honest assesment of self. You've been re-discovered :)