Friday, March 16, 2007

the anticipation of the eventuality...

the anticipation of a happy eventuality.. of a delightful little treat.. a brief conversation.. a few choice words... a smile here a curved lip there... the true bliss involved with a walk down the road.. chasing shadows and dreams..

sometimes memory can be sweeter than reality... the soft brush of her lips.. the smell of rain... the alcohol running in your brain.. the cold mountain air.. and the shiver of maybes...

it isnt jus about being a cynic :-) its about carpe dieam and making your dreams come true, and baring your soul to the world, unafraid and brave, scared and scary, and being one anyway...

you hold her hand.... tight... afraid to let go... frightened that perfection will slip away into oblivion.. but you smile anyway.. cause its here and its now.. you slip an arm around her waist.. the smooth satin rain drenched warm skin... your cold unforgiving hands.. trembling..

a quick laugh... a shake of the head.. playing it down... or it could explode.. into to something wonderful and overpowering all at once...

what is it about just being able to be yourself with someone thats such a relief... its not that bad is it that the veils and masques are so tightly held to one's face that the mere chance of a release is sinful... jus the ability to let that guard down, those double meanings you keep searching for, that you look for that you dont need to worry about...

compliments... the most underated gesture in humanity... few words that can make your day... your week... your moment... anahat's rule: never wait to compliment... its priceless...

the anticipation of the eventuality.. the gorgeous moments that can be...


Anonymous said...

makes me smile anahat .. it's amazing how you've captured all those feelings..who would have thought words had so much power to actually do that? woa! you're making me fall in love with writing :)

Anahat said...

so write... you do it so well anyway i dont know why you think you need to be afraid of.. and like we said.. if it scares you... write as u have this comment with the masque on...

Still Searching said...

ur life is sounding more and more unreal as time goes by! the more i read, the more i imagine the scene from 'the doors' movie, where morrison gets drugged and the whole world is swaying and unreal, going by in slow motion and all you can hear are his thoughts.. hmmm...