Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The seat of Jivatman

The Anahat chakra is physically positioned at the heart region. Traditionally, this chakra is represented as a green flower with twelve petals which match the vrittis of lust, fraud, indecision, repentance, hope, anxiety, longing, impartiality, arrogance, incompetence, discrimination and defiance.

Anahat is associated with the ability to make decisions outside of the realm of karma. In Manipura and below, man is bound by the laws of karma, and the fate he has in store for him. In Anahata, one is making decisions, 'following your heart', based upon one's higher self, and not from the unfulfilled emotions and desires of lower nature. The 'wish-fulfilling tree', kalpa taru, resides here, symbolising the ability to manifest whatever you wish to happen in the world.

It is also associated with love and compassion, charity to others, and forms of psychic healing.

Anahat is the seat of the Jivatman.


- Aye Davanita said...

Nice excerpt straight from wikipedia my friend.

What is the purpose of this attempt to define your name?

Useless as far as I'm concerned as your name precedes you. Now - if you wanted to say - my goal is my name or something along those lines, I might've understood. A simple link would've accomplished this by the way.

In other words, say something about it YO!

Anahat said...


Srijan said...

Well when you get to talk about this stuff i would love to comment , I don't know about you guys but I bleive in the presence of a higher influence ... some sort of universal truth... it's the fact that everything moves towards this universal truth knowingly or unknowingly that's what it is , and it's not controled by human desire .. ( desire as such is a very low form of Existence ) Tell me what is the AIM OF YOUR LIFE the Two of you . something real ..