Tuesday, October 31, 2006

taking a call..

you tell me where to go and though i might leave to find it...
ill never let your head hit the bed without my hand behind it...*

the best sex i ever had of my life was on a chennai morning... the worst.. well thats another story... the thing is.. i was reading what a friend wrote... and it struck me that its all a bit fussed over and overrated.. i suppose.. and then again.. its all a bit intense.

whats it all about.. the satisfaction of simultaneous erotic orgasms.. or the caveman masochistic notion of being able to give more than you get.. in a multiplistic sort of a way... or is it more carnal.. more basic.. jus sex yeah.. gettin laid.. gettin another 'dent on the bedpost'... i like that.. i woulda gone with.. notch on your hilt.. or is it higher.. making love.. long passionate fabulous love.. is it...

who knows... but I will tell you this.. Its defiantly personal... more so than anything else ever.. and its so wicked.. cause you have to share it.. and you cant ignore that... so weather you regret it. miss it. love it. hope for it. or jus overdo it. its still really personal.

and when it comes down to it.. you gotta decide.. what sort of person are you.. left wing doesnt mean in bed.. liberal doesnt mean liberal about casual sex.. free spirited doesnt equal one night stands..

I always supposed i was the sort of person who wouldnt have a one night stand.. too idealistic i supposed.. too much faith in the heart... was i wrong..

live completely yes.. absorb every iota of what life can offer.. and in some ways this too.. but i dont know.. at some point you just take a call and decide..

ive decided.. and therefore since i cannot practice.. i preach...

*cf: Your Body is a Wonderland, John Mayer


SIM said...

ah so my post got u thinking huh? im glad..kudos!

- Aye Davanita said...

what a nice sweet post about sex.


(i was inspired to write as well)